Scholarly communication

Course Code:



3rd semester

Course Hours:




Course Outline

Learning outcomes

Upon completion of the course, students will:

  • Acquire fundamental knowledge regarding managing, distributing, and disseminating scientific information/content, emphasizing publishing models, scientific data management, and scientific-oriented social networks. This will be examined within the evolving landscape framework shaped by Open Access, Open Science, and Open Education trends. Additionally, students can utilize tools to evaluate research activity and measure its impact at both the researcher and research team levels.
  • Understand the factors influencing scientific information dissemination through traditional and modern communication channels. They will also comprehend new forms of representation of (digital) scientific content and the needs arising from the scientific community’s requirements for openness, discoverability, reusability, and interoperability (FAIR attributes).
  • Be able to apply their acquired knowledge to guide researchers and research units in optimizing scientific communication processes and evaluating research activity.
  • Be able to analyze data derived from bibliometric and other impact measurement indicators, as well as synthesize evaluation reports. Furthermore, they will be able to assess the evolution of trends within a scientific field through bibliometric studies and by monitoring alternative metrics.

Course modules

The course is divided into the following modules:

  • Module 1: What is scientific, scholarly communication? Historical overview, open access and sharing of scientific information, intellectual property, and scientific communication.
  • Module 2: Traditional models of scientific information dissemination: Scientific journals, conference proceedings, monographs, and books. Examples of major scientific information providers.
  • Module 3: Open access and access models for scientific information, initiatives promoting open access, the impact of open access on scientific production (communication), open access, and quality standards.
  • Module 4: Open data, access policies for scientific data, scientific data concerning funders, scientific journals, and researchers. Scientific data is based on disciplinary fields and systems for disseminating and citing scientific data. FAIR principles – Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable.
  • Module 5: Intellectual property rights (IPR) management for scientific information within the research/academic community. Collaborations between the research community and industry. Life sciences and IPR.
  • Module 6: Evaluation of scientific research and research activities. Peer review models, advantages/disadvantages of peer review, factors influencing peer review effectiveness, and techniques for improving peer review efficiency.
  • Module 7: Measuring the impact of research activity. Citation indexes (Scopus, Web of Science, Google Scholar), bibliometric indicators at researcher, research team, and journal levels. Evaluation metrics for scientific journal impact.
  • Module 8: Measuring the societal impact of research activities. Alternative metrics (Altmetrics), advantages/disadvantages of Altmetrics, integration of Altmetrics with bibliometric indicators. Tools and methods for promoting scientific information in society (Open Science/Open Education).

Student assessment

  • Language: Greek / English
  • Assessment Methods: Written assignment and public presentation
  • Criteria: Knowledge of the subject, comprehension of the ability to synthesize information from different sources and apply critical thinking, ability to develop and solve problems within the theoretical framework of the course, preparation, structure, and delivery of the assignment presentation.