Program structure

The curriculum consists of a central core of courses on Integrated Information Management, which serves as a common basis and the cohesive network of the disciplines of Archiving, Library and Museology / Cultural Management. These courses fall under the field of Information Sciences. This core includes 30 courses, comprising the 65% of all courses.

In addition, the Humanities and Information Technologies sector consists of two groups of courses: (a) Information Technology and (b) Humanities and General Education courses. The sector includes 16 courses, i.e.  of 35% of all courses.

These two course groups-sectors aim to give students the general knowledge and educational background necessary for their studies. Most importantly they aim to acquaint students with the technologies that are essential tools for information management.


The curriculum abides to the following rules:

Number of courses: Each student is required to attend 36 compulsory courses and 4 elective compulsory courses. In order to be awarded the degree, students are also required to write a thesis. In addition, the Department, based on its past experience and international practice, encourages students to participate in the internship program. In case s/he does not choose to do an internship, the student is obliged to attend two more elective compulsory courses.

Academic years / Semesters: each academic year includes 10 to 12 courses (5 to 6 courses per semester) and 20 to 22 teaching hours per week. Exceptions are the 8th semester which includes the internship, the completion of the thesis as well as 6 more teaching hours.



The internship program has been included in the study program since the establishment of the Department. According to the approved curriculum, the duration of the internship is three months and is an elective compulsory course of the 8th semester of studies. Students who choose to do the internship must have successfully passed all specialization courses and 2/3 of all courses up to the 7th semester. Students can only choose institutions that have a collaboration agreement and meet the standards of  the Department.
The suggested timeframe for internships is from October to December or from November to January, for the winter semester and from March to May or from April to June, for the spring semester.
One month before the beginning of the internship, an announcement is posted on the website of the Department, which includes the invitation along with the available positions and the exact procedure for student selection. The internship is funded by the NSRF program of the Department of Archives, Librarianship & Information Studies of the University of West Attica.



A. Conditions for elaboration

The thesis is a requirement (i.e. compulsory course) and its duration is two semesters (7 and 8). Prerequisites for undertaking a thesis is for students to be in the seventh semester and to have successfully completed the course “Research Methods and Statistics”, all specialty courses as well as 2/3 of all courses up to the sixth semester.


B. Thesis Subject approval

Students in collaboration with the supervising professor shape the topic of the thesis. Students applying for a thesis must complete an application form stating the title and a brief description. They also submit a thesis proposal which includes the summary, the proposed methodological approach and indicative bibliography.
The students’ applications are submitted for the winter semester from 1/10 to 31/10, and for the spring semester from 1/3 to 31/3. The Assembly of the Department may decide to extend the above deadlines.
Each professor supervises up to 3-5 dissertations on topics related to his / her area of expertise. There may be co-supervision of theses, if this is necessary due to the nature of the subject.
Theses applications are discussed and approved by the Assembly of the Department. A list of all approved theses topics is posted on the website of the Department.

  • On writing the thesis
  • Students submit their work in sections (submission of progress reports) according to the supervisor’s instructions.
  • The thesis template must be followed for the writing of the thesis.


C. Presentation and examination

The presentation and examination of the theses is an open procedure. Students are required to submit a copy of the completed work to the supervising professor at least one week before the set presentation date. The student prepares a CD with the text of the thesis (in pdf format), the presentation (in pdf format) and the metadata form (in docx format), for its inclusion in the Institutional Repository. Also, by this date (one week before the exam), the student submits the exam application (signed by the professor and the student) and the printed metadata form to the Department Secretariat.
The thesis examinations take place on a specific date set by the Department usually at the end of the term exams. Theses examination dates are announced well in advance.


D. Completion of the process

  • The three-member committee evaluates the work and completes the relevant evaluation minutes.
  • The supervising professor submits the evaluation report, the paperwork and the CD to the secretariat
  • The Secretariat confirms the uploading of the thesis in the Institutional Depository, in accordance with the respective deposit policies in force.
  • In case corrections are required, the student is given time to complete them according to the examiners instructions, which are given in writing. The student is also required to reapply for and retake the examination.


E. Duration 

The time for completing a thesis is based on the Department’s curriculum, i.e. two semesters (7th and 8th). In case a student does not manage to complete his / her thesis within the specified time, he/she must submit a request for a time extension, stating the reasons for the delay. If the Department deems the reasons valid, it will grant an extension for an additional semester. If the request is denied,, the student must apply for a new thesis on another topic, and preferably supervised by a different professor. In any case, failure to complete a thesis within three semesters implies its termination and the undertaking of a new thesis by the student.