Efthymiou Foteini

qode interactive strata
Special Technical Laboratory Staff

PhD Candidate



Office Address

Κ6.019 (28, Ag. Spyridonos str. 12243 Alsos Egaleo Campus)

Office Hours

Tuesday and Wednesday 17:00-19:00

Foteini Efthymiou works as a Special Technical Laboratory Staff at the University of West Attica, School of Administrative, Economics and Social Sciences, Department of Archival, Library & Information Studies. She has been a PhD Candidate in the aforementioned Department since 2020. Also, she is a member of the Information Management Laboratory in the above Department. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Librarianship from the School of Management and Economics of the Technological Educational Institute of Athens (1994-1998) and a Master of Arts in Librarianship from the Information School of the Faculty of Social Sciences of The University of Sheffield in the UK (2004-2005). She worked as a librarian at the NTUA Central Library from 1999 until 2019. Furthermore, she worked on the implementation of the Hellenic Academic Libraries Union Catalog, its interconnection to the Central Interlibrary Loan Software & Network “Iris” and the implementation of the HEAL-Link “Advanced Services for Open Access Digital Libraries”, from 2005 until 2013. She participated in ERASMUS+ KA2 EDUCABILITY – BUILDING THE CAPACITY OF EDUCATORS & LIBRARIANS IN INFORMATION LITERACY – Project 2020-1-CY01-KA202-066032. Her research interests concern Media and Information Literacy, Learning Theories, Cataloguing and Scientific Communication.


Full CV

Google Scholar Profile

ORCID: Foteini Efthymiou (0000-0002-7970-0856) (orcid.org)