Kyriaki-Manessi Daphne

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Faculty Members




+30 210 538 5251

Office Address

Κ6.020 (Egaleo Park Campus)

Office Hours

Monday 16:00-17:00, Tuesday 11:00-12:00

Daphne Kyriaki-Manessi holds a PhD from the University of Toronto, Faculty of Information Science in Canada. She also holds a Master’s Degree from the School of Library and Information Science from Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. Since 1995 she has lived and worked in Greece: from 1995 to 2004 at the Department of Archives, Librarianship and Museology at the Ionian University and from 2004 until today at the Department of Archival, Library & Information Studies of the University of West Attica.

She served as Special Secretary of the Ministry of Education from 2000 to 2004 responsible for educational media, educational radio and television, libraries and archives of the country. She has participated in research projects both as the scientific director and  head of the research team or member of research teams. She was the scientific director of the team of the University of West Attica in the European program CrossCult, (2016-2019) funded by the Horizon2020 framework.

She has collaborated with the National Documentation Center (1996-2016) on issues related to subject organization of information, the creation of citation indexes, institutional repositories, and ontologies. She has taught in the postgraduate programs of the Department of Archives, Librarianship and Museology at the Ionian University from 2004-2005 and 2006-2008 and in the Postgraduate Program of Museum Studies at the University of Athens from 2008 until today. Her scientific interests and publications include knowledge management, data structures and data retrieval using technology, standards and structured vocabularies, ontologies, as well as the structures of information organizations.

English CV