Dendrinos Markos

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Faculty Members




+30 210 538 5220

Markos Dendrinos is a Professor of Informatics and History & Philosophy of Science at the Department of Archival, Library & Information Studies of the University of West Attica. Studies:  Electrical Engineer NTUA, PhD in Spectral Analysis / Digital Signal Processing at NTUA, MSc in History & Philosophy of Science at the University of Athens. Research interests: semantic web, ontologies, databases, inferential databases, philosophy, history of ideas, history of science, philosophy of science, philosophy of information, logic, history of logic, model order estimation, and noise elimination. His scientific work includes 10 books on informatics, 6 books on the history of scientific and philosophical ideas and 34 publications in journals and conference proceedings. His publications have more than 350 citations. He has taught the course Information Systems in the Postgraduate Program of the Department of Archives – Librarianship at the Ionian University and of the Department of Library and Information Systems at the Technical Educational Institute of Athens in Information Science. He has also taught the course Databases at the inter university postgraduate program ‘Technolinguistics’ of NTUA and the University of Athens.

CV (στα αγγλικά)