History and Philosophy of Science (Erasmus+)

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Course Tutors

Dendrinos Markos

During this course, the following subject areas are presented and discussed:

  • History of science: The emergence of science in the form of philosophical assertions (Presocratic philosophers, Pythagorean mathematics and physics of harmonics, Timaeus of Plato). The emergence of mathematics in Mesopotamia, Egypt and Greece. Ancient astronomy. Finding the date of Latin and Orthodox Easter. Logical deduction and syllogisms in Aristotle. Scientific revolution (Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo, Newton). From Alchemy to Chemistry (Paracelsus, Van Helmont, Boyle, Newton, Priestley, Lavoisier). The new concept of space- time in the theory of Relativity of
  • Philosophy of science: Definition of Knowledge in Platonic Theaetetus. Rationalism vs Empiricism. The paradigm of Euclidean Geometry. Scientific methodology (Observation and experiments – Induction vs Deduction). The establishment of scientific methodology in Aristotle and late medieval scholastics (Grosseteste, Francis Bacon, Duns Scotus, William of Ockham). The importance of falsefiability (Carl Popper). Standard science, scientific revolutions, scientific paradigms according to Kuhn. The new role of the observer in quantum mechanics. Philosophy of
  • History of ideas: The Socratic theory of ideas in Plato. Rationalists (Parmenides, Plato, Descartes, Spinoza, Leibnitz). Empiricists (Locke, Berkely, Hume, Francis Bacon). The reappearance of the ancient ideas in