Kyprianos Konstantinos

qode interactive strata
Faculty Members

Assistant Professor



210 538 5246

Office Address

Κ6.019 (28, Ag. Spyridonos str. 12243 Alsos Egaleo Campus)

Office Hours

Monday 12:00-14:00 and Tuesday 11:00-12:00

Konstantinos Kyprianos is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Archival, Library & Information Studies of the University of West Attica. He holds a PhD in Library and Information Systems from the Ionian University and a degree in Librarianship from the TEI of Athens. He also has two postgraduate degrees, one in Informatics (University of Piraeus) and one in the Management of Cultural Units (Hellenic Open University).

He has worked in various libraries of the private and public sector and participated in the NSRF 2007-2014 digital convergence program at the library of the University of Piraeus. His areas of scientific interest and publications are bibliographic description standards, semantic web, openly linked data, and digital libraries.