qode interactive strata
PhD Candidate


Elisavet Chantavaridou is a PhD Candidate at the Department of Archival, Library and Information Studies of the University of West Attica. She holds a BA degree from the Library Science Department of the former Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki. She also holds a MSc degree in Information and Library Studies from the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, Scotland. Her second BA degree is from the Open University of Cyprus in Studies in Hellenic Culture (direction: Literature). She is currently a librarian at the University of Macedonia in Thessaloniki, Greece. 

 She is a chartered member of CILIP and a member of the Association of Greek Librarians and Information Scientists. Her research interests lie in text mining, sentiment analysis, library ethics and application of artificial intelligence in library and information science. 

  Her PhD topic is on European Union leaders’ tweets. 

 X, formerly Twitter, is one of the main global social media and microblogging platforms. It is used by individuals, politicians amongst them, companies, etc. Politicians use X in order to promote their profile and comment on current topics. The thesis will investigate the behavior and relations between EU prime ministers and other leaders via their posts on X. It will also investigate patterns in the between them correspondence, their language, their networking and sentiment analysis of their writings.