Drivas Ioannis

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PostDoc Researcher

PostDoc Researcher




+30 210 538 5220 | +30 697 4016823

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K6.017 (Campus 1)

Office Hours

Daily 09:00-18:00

Ioannis (Giannis) Drivas was born on March 13, 1992. As of January 2023, he holds a PhD and is a member of the Information Management Research Lab at the Department of Archival, Library, and Information Studies. Since March 2023, Giannis has been a Postdoctoral researcher in the Department, focusing on the research topic of digital analytics for libraries, archives, and museums.

Giannis commenced his academic journey with a B.Sc. in Library Science & Information Systems, which he earned from the Technological Educational Institute of Athens, Department of Library Science and Information Systems, in December 2014. He furthered his education by obtaining a Master of Philosophy (M.Phil) in Information Systems from Linnaeus University, Department of Computer Science and Information Technology, in June 2017. His Master’s thesis centred on enhancing the visibility and accessibility of information organizations’ web services through the contribution of search engines.

Giannis has explored various domains in his professional and academic career, including indexing and documenting in academic libraries and data management. His scientific and research interests are rooted in web mining, digital analytics, and predictive modelling, particularly within decision-making tools designed to develop well-informed solutions for libraries, archives, and museums.

Since February 2020, Ioannis has been an active member of the Special Interest Group in SIGMIS ACM – in Management Information Systems of the Association of Computer Machinery in the Association of Computing Machinery. Additionally, since December 2021, he has been the Greek Research and Technology Center (GRNET) scientific partner. Giannis also serves as a Coursera representative for the University of West Attica, facilitating free online learning courses for university students and staff.

Beyond his academic pursuits, Ioannis is a passionate member of the Bourdeles Adventures, a self-organized group of enthusiastic mountaineers climbing numerous summits across the mountains of Greece. He is also a long-distance runner, football player, and Delta blues guitar player.

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