Introduction to museum studies

Course Code:



3rd semester

Course Hours:




Course Tutors

Antoniou Angeliki

This course serves as an introduction to the science of museology and aims to foster students’ understanding of its fundamental concepts. Simultaneously, the course strives to enable students to recognize good and bad museum practices, to compare exhibitions and methods of showcasing exhibits and to design small-scale museum-related activities.

Within the course, the following thematic areas are analyzed:

  • Collection Security:
    • How the integrity and preservation of museum objects are ensured.
  • Knowledge Management:
    • How information related to collections is organized and utilized.
  • Museum Space Issues:
    • The architecture and functionality of museum buildings.
  • Museum Learning:
    • How museums contribute to the education and entertainment of visitors.
  • Exhibition Content:
    • How exhibits are selected and presented.
  • Exhibit Interpretation:
    • How exhibits are explained to the public.
  • Exhibition Development:
    • The process of designing and implementing an exhibition.
  • Collection Policy:
    • The principles and rules governing the acquisition of new objects for collections.
  • Documentation:
    • How information about museum objects is recorded, classified, and maintained.

Upon completion of the course, students will have gained a comprehensive understanding of the science of museology and will be able to apply their knowledge to practical issues concerning museums.

Course Outline