Computer networks

Course Code:



2nd semester

Course Hours:

3 (+2)



Course Tutors

Kouis Dimitris

Learning Outcomes 

Upon successful completion of the course, students will: 

  • Gain knowledge of the fundamental principles of signal theory and information transmission methods (analog and digital transmission), communication networks (wireless/wired), computer networks and the Internet, with an emphasis on the World Wide Web service, as well as basic content development principles using HTML. 
  • Be able to understand the concept of signals, their processing, transmission media and methods, as well as the fundamental differences between digital and analog transmission. They will also comprehend the basic principles of communication networks, OSI network layers, network architectures, communication protocols, the fundamental principles of the Internet, the TCP/IP protocol, the World Wide Web, and how these technologies are leveraged by Information Organizations. Additionally, they will understand the structure of simple web content and the basics of web programming. 
  • Be able to apply their knowledge to design and understand simple network topologies and to develop both simple and complex web pages using HTML. 
  • Analyze how information is encoded and transmitted over communication networks, the usefulness of Internet services, and the ways information is exchanged between web applications, with an emphasis on how Libraries and Information Organizations utilize the Internet to provide advanced information access services to users. 
  • Develop integrated solutions by selecting appropriate network infrastructures to support library applications and data. 
  • Evaluate how well an information organization’s networking needs are met by proposed or existing network solutions. 


General Competencies 

  • Research, analysis, and synthesis of data and information using appropriate technologies 
  • Autonomous work 
  • Decision-making 


Course Content 

The course is divided into the following modules: 

  • Module 1: Analog and digital signals, periodicity and aperiodicity, waves, signal modulations. From the energy domain to the frequency domain. Fourier Transform, signal sampling – Nyquist theorem. 
  • Module 2: Digitization, transmission history, telecommunication links, transmission media, transmission methods, digital transmission – encoding and multiplexing. 
  • Module 3: Basic network topologies, computer networks, fundamental communication protocols, OSI layers, networking devices, TCP/IP protocol, Internet, IP addresses, Domain Names – URLs. 
  • Module 4: World Wide Web, HTTP communication protocol, XML markup language, 3-tier web application architecture, search engines, Web 2.0, Semantic Web. 
  • Module 5: Libraries and networks, basic communication protocols and metadata standards, library web applications. 
  • Module 6: Use of programming tools (Brackets, GitHub, HTML). Introduction to web development using HTML. 


Student Evaluation 

Language: Greek 

Assessment Methods: 
The final course grade is based on the theoretical (70%) and the laboratory (30%) part pf the the course. Specifically, for the theory, the grade is calculated from the following: 

Theoretical Part: 

  • Midterm exam (optional) 
  • Αssignment (optional) 
  • Final exam (mandatory, includes theoretical questions and exercises) 

Laboratory Part: 

  • Performance in weekly exercises and final exam (mandatory, hands-on exercises). 


  • Understanding of basic principles of information transmission and communication networks. 
  • Ability to identify the appropriate parameters for transmitting information over computer networks. 
  • Competence in developing simple and complex web pages using HTML. 

The topics of the assignments, the detailed criteria, and the thorough grading method are posted on the course’s asynchronous learning platform at the start of the semester. 


Recommended Bibliography 

  1. Dendrinos, M., Kouis, D., 2016. Basic Principles and Technologies in Information Science. [e-book] Athens: Hellenic Academic Libraries Link. Available at: 
  2. Behrouz A. Forouzan, Firouz Mosharraf. 2011. Computer Networks – A Top-Down Approach, Papasotiriou. ISBN 978-960-491-018-2 
  1. Dendrinos, M. Communications Networks: General Theory & Applications in Libraries, Libris-Tech, Athens, 2006. 
  1. Kalafatoudis, S., Drositis, I., Koilias, C. (2012). Introduction to Information and Communication Technologies. Athens: New Technologies Publishing. 
  1. Forouzan, B. A., Stefanidis, G., & Chatzigeorgiou, A. (2015). Introduction to Computer Science: Fundamental Concepts – From Data Processing to Computation Theory (3rd Edition). Athens: Kleidarithmos. 
  1. Douligeris, Christos, Mavropodi, Roza, Kopanaki, Evi, Karalis, Apostolos. (2017). Technologies and Programming on the World Wide Web. Athens: New Technologies Publishing. 
  1. Witten, I. H., Bainbridge, D., & Nichols, D. M. (2010). How to Build a Digital Library. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers. 
  1. Kochtanek, T. R., & Matthews, J. R. Library Information Systems: From Library Automation to Distributed Information Access Solutions., ISBN 978-1591580188 
  1. Witten, I. H., Bainbridge, D., & Nichols, D. M. (2010). How to Build a Digital Library. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.