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PhD Candidate

Office Address

K6.002 (Πανεπιστημιούπολη 1)

Nikos Kareklas holds an MSc in Information Science from the CITY University of London, England (MSC in Library and Information Studies | School of Mathematics, Computer Science and Engineering) and is a graduate of the Department of Library Sciences and information systems of the Technological Educational Institute of Athens. From 2016 until today he is a laboratory collaborator of the Department of Archives, Library science and Information Systems of the University of Western Attica, having the supervision of the laboratory exercises of the course” Records Management”. He has a rich professional career as he has participated as Information Manager in many innovative projects in Greece such as the modernization and upgrading of the Eleusis refinery, which is considered until today the largest private industrial investment in Greece. For many years he was Director of Records Management department of WWW, one of the few companies in Greece engaged in the professional management of archive material and since 2019 he is the Managing Director of GreenFence-MetalLogic Company that moves in the field of confidential destruction of data and recycling and refining of precious metals. Upon his management the company entered the ICAP 500 list and himself was included in the Business Elite’s 40 Under 40 list with the top managers under 40 in Europe.

Research interests: Records Management, Blockchain Technology, Artificial Intelligent, Information Management, social media & Politics, GDPR, Disaster Recovery Plans, Digital Preservation, Secure Data Destruction, Ethical HackingEnglish translation. 

Research Title.: Advanced Methods & Technologies for Records Management | The use and the value of Blockchain Technology in Records Management.

Brief Research Summary:

The strong administrative bureaucracy prevailing in organizations, both public and private, along with the increased volume of archival material, entails disproportionate time consumption for gathering information that cannot be located due to inadequate encoding, sorting, accurate updating, and protection. The interdisciplinary Ph.D. research falls within the field of archiving, specifically in Records Management. Its aim is to address the existing gap in applied research by creating a model for managing active documents, incorporating cutting-edge technologies to support optimal management of active archival material, knowledge capital generation, and information circulation, from creation to confidential destruction or continuous preservation.

Objectives of the Ph.D. Thesis:

  1. Examination of the life cycle of documents in organizations, both public and private, and highlighting the benefits that can arise from the use of advanced methodologies and technologies in standardizing documents, document routing, and clearance.
  2. Highlighting the utility of new technologies such as Blockchain in records management, specifically in the stages of document provenance verification, authentication, and revision.
  3. Standardization of the disposal stage of archival material in public organizations and the challenges arising from the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
  4. Development of a model for managing archival material that can be used by various companies and public entities to create document flows and management policies.
  5. Highlighting the utility of digital preservation through the application of OAIS principles in public and private organizations.

The potential new management model could be adopted by public and private sector organizations, resulting in better information management and simultaneous reduction of operating costs, which is the objective of Records Management.