Health Information and Libraries (Erasmus+)

Course Code:






This course is a comprehensive introduction to health information management for librarians and information scientists. The nature, confidentiality, organization, circulation, and reuse of this collection of data, which varied from clinical medical records to scientific papers and textbooks, will be explored, presented, and discussed in the context of computer tools and services. The role of librarians and information scientists, their responsibilities and functions in delivering this information to the specialists, medical and biosciences professionals and researchers, as well to non-specialists, patients, families and the general public, will be assessed. The learning objectives of the Health Information and Libraries course are:

  • The importance of Health Information for the promotion of health, community resilience in food, biosafety, longevity, and quality of life.
  • The different types of clinical and biomedical information.
  • Data protection regulations, anonymization, and bioethical considerations of stored health data in biomedical research and metadata reuse.
  • The needs of library users-driven organization and development of medical, academic, or public libraries’ health information collections.
  • The importance of health information delivery to the specialists in medical diagnostic decision-making and continuing biomedical research.
  • The methodological information science business approaches medical and bioscience data digital knowledge management.
  • Semantic web technologies and biomedical linked data.
  • The authoritative international sources of health information on the web.
  • Searching techniques, medical and bioscience bibliography retrieval, statistical analysis, and representation.
  • Medical Subject Headings and controlled vocabularies.
  • Bibliometrics analysis.
  • Evidence-Based Medicine.
  • Personalized/Precision Medicine.
  • Assisting policy makers in decision-making for health.
  • Patients, families, educational programs, and general public health promotion.

At the end of this course, it is anticipated for the students to be able to manage health information, deliver health bibliographies, and provide guidance for specialists and naïve users for health information resources. Optional, students could write a short essay on a health information topic of their interest.