qode interactive strata

Evangelia (Valia) Triperina is a PostDoc Researcher at the Information Management Research Lab of the Department of Archival, Library, and Information Studies. She holds a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Limoges (France), with a thesis entitled “Visual interactive knowledge management for multicriteria decision making and ranking in linked open data environments” (https://www.theses.fr/2020LIMO0010). She holds a MSc in Information Technology, Image Synthesis and Computer Graphics from the same University. Her Master Thesis was occupied with the networking of researchers and academics in an educational institution using semantic web technologies and visualizations. She is a Department of Computer Engineering graduate of TEI of Athens and her thesis was about educational design of blended learning using standards (IMS-LD) in learning management systems. She has worked in European research projects as researcher / project manager at GRNET (https://grnet.gr/en/), Agro-Know Technologies (https://agroknow.com/) and the University of West Attica (https://www.uniwa.gr/en/). Her research interests focus on open science, visualizations and visual analytics, multicriteria decision making, knowledge management, learning technologies and semantic web technologies. ·